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#8decoshots starts on Monday

This Monday, April 15, the #8decoshots challenge starts on Instagram. This is the second month that Yanira La Puerta (interior designer and artisan) and myself throw this interesting contest where all you have to do is share a picture (and tag it with #8decoshots) of the given theme. During this month we are focusing on interior design as you'll see in the picture above. This is the schedule for April:
- Monday 15: illumination
- Tuesday 16: focal point 
- Wednesday 17: ombre 
- Thursday 18: cozy 
- Friday 19: gold 
- Saturday 20:  height 
- Sunday 21: transparency 
- Monday 22: organic
I'm posting some tips on Instagram for each of the themes during this days so come and visit.
This challenge only lasts 8 days so come on over and join us there. We can't wait to see so many creative ideas. There is going to be a prize that we'll reveal later on. 

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